Saturday, April 18, 2015

The WOVEN A to Z Challenge: P is for Princess Tyra!

I dedicate this A to Z Challenge to Tina Downey, one of the A to Z Challenge founders and one of the brightest bloggers who sadly left us last year. Harder still, she was in a secret support group that I'm part of. The best way I can honor Tina, who was excited about and never had the opportunity to read my debut, I've teamed up with Father Dragon to present short bios and character portraits from Woven. I'll write the bios and all art is created by Al Diaz. I hope you enjoy this visual tribute to our friend, Tina.

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P is for Princess Tyra

The only daughter of the king and queen, Princess Tyra has little to want and so much to hide. She has blue eyes, long yellow hair, and is often short with others due to anxieties. Some say she is fond of Sir Arek; she thinks he would be a great king if he offered his hand to her. Tyra is rumored to wander outside the city walls late at night, possibly to meet up with Arek in secret. But her meeting with Nels is about to change everything.
Monday: Q is for Queen Carin

To learn more about Woven, please visit

I'm David, and "you're rather close ..."


  1. Romantic triangle? Or something else?

  2. With her, I would love to see the colors drawn in, she has a great story and many secrets to hide..

    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

  3. This drawing is gorgeous. The perfect amount of prissy and elegance.

  4. Ooo, about the secret meetings. Nice sketch. Untethered Realms / MPax

  5. The princess sounds like a really interesting character. Like the idea of secret meetings. The sketch is intriguing!

  6. She looks beautiful and her character is intriguing... :)

  7. Everyone loves a potential love affair especially when it involves royalty!
    Brandy from Brandy's Bustlings

  8. Nasty little b***h at the beginning. I did not like her at all.

  9. I love when characters have something to hide! And when the plot takes you in a totally unexpected way.

  10. Princess Tyra is beautiful! Hopefully she doesn't get in too much trouble sneaking around. ;)

  11. Another nice drawing. I wonder what the secrets are.

  12. Outside the walls can't be good, right? Now I want to know what happens with Nels! Thanks, David <3

    Untethered Realms

  13. A wonderful drawing David. Great post.


  14. Tyra seems like she hides things, and will probably surprise us. I love her dress in the drawing. I want one!

  15. It's nice to have a complicated character as a princess, instead of someone too easy to figure out.

  16. What a great princess and more than just a pretty blond princess. I love this drawing with her over the shoulder look

  17. Whoa! Intriguing. That's one adventurous free-spirited princess. :)

  18. She sounds a little like someone I know...

  19. She sounds like an interesting character.

  20. One of Al's best. I like that she is a character being pushed through change.

  21. Is she about to go on an adventure and become a kick ass lady? ;)

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  22. Seems like a very interesting character.

  23. She looks beautiful :). I can't wait to find out what her secret is!

  24. Yeah, quite a pretty picture, and an interesting back-story. It must be a lot of pressure on a young princess, to know that the future of the kingdom may hinge on her love life. ;)

    Visit me at

  25. She turned out to have some good common sense, too! That was gratifying.

  26. That is so cool to honor Tina in your book. I wish I would have met her. She sounds wonderful.

  27. Oh, yeah. Her little meeting with Nels definitely changes everything!

  28. Man, I hated her for a big part of Woven. Such a snob!!!
