Friday, April 17, 2015

The WOVEN A to Z Challenge: O is for Oyren!

I dedicate this A to Z Challenge to Tina Downey, one of the A to Z Challenge founders and one of the brightest bloggers who sadly left us last year. Harder still, she was in a secret support group that I'm part of. The best way I can honor Tina, who was excited about and never had the opportunity to read my debut, I've teamed up with Father Dragon to present short bios and character portraits from Woven. I'll write the bios and all art is created by Al Diaz. I hope you enjoy this visual tribute to our friend, Tina.

I will be at to a writing conference this weekend and will not have access to the internet on Saturday, which is the reveal of a very special character. Please visit tomorrow so you can see her.

Thank you for visiting all month. You are beyond awesome. :)

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O is for Oyren

The father of Gleesel and Sibylla, Oyren is a conjurer who went in search of the Needle of Gailner and never returned. Very little is known about this man, only that he placed a sore curse on one of his two daughters because of her disobedience. His reason for seeking the Needle is also a mystery, one that we may never uncover unless he or his writings can be discovered.
Tomorrow: P for Princess Tyra

To learn more about Woven, please visit

I'm David, and "some secrets should never be found."


  1. He's looked better...
    Terrible what he did to Gleesel though.

  2. Was it hard to come up with these names?

    1. Some more than others, but it was the best part. :)

  3. He looks good for his age?... XD Now I wonder about the curse...

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

  4. That picture very much reminds me of One-Eyed Willie, from Goonies! Awesome!
    Katie @TheCyborgMom

  5. Think it's a bit late to get an answer out of him now...

  6. He may not be talking in this life any more

  7. Now that is what my nightmares are made of. I'm glad my dad didn't put a curse on me for disobedience. :)

  8. Wow, I love these posts! I think Nick is right, his secrets won't be discovered.

  9. What a grim illustration today - love it :). He sounds like something of a bully and deserves what he got.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  10. Yikes! I was expecting a person, not a skeleton. lol

  11. He reminds me of the ones in my closet

  12. Boy, I'm glad I had a dad who would have been hard-pressed to be made at me for disobedience, being a rebel himself... Sounds like a good story piece though.

  13. I have forgotten Oyren, gotta re-read the book. Good drawing again dear dragon.

  14. Ah the lost adventurer. Although he sounds like someone I might not want to travel with.

    Love the picture.

  15. Now that's what I call handsome.
    Good post David.


  16. looks like he met a bad end..either that or he was waiting for his number to be called:)

  17. Oh, he's a little creepy - I don't want to run into him anytime soon.

  18. Have fun at the conference! :)

  19. What kind of father is he?!

    Hope you connect with other fine writers!

  20. I'll really be amazed if there is a character that begins with a Q and X!

  21. I'm amazed Gleesel even still liked her father after what he did! Sorry to say I think he deserves what happened to him, with the only exception being I'm sorry he left the two daughters to fend for themselves...I'm with Stephen, looking forward to seeing what you come up with toward the end of this challange! Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

  22. Isn't he the looker. ;)

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  23. No matter what your child does, i can't see putting a curse on her/him.

  24. Well, from the drawing, it looks like we have some idea of why he never returned...

  25. I read the description while the picture was loading, and I wasn't quite expecting him to be a skeleton. Poor guy.

  26. Looks like it didn't end so happily for Oyren.

  27. Perhaps we'll get to find out in another book why he was after the needle? *hint hint*

  28. It looks like Oyren chose poorly.

  29. Whoa, that is intense that he would curse his daughter for disobedience. Quite a character trait. Sounds like you have some really cool characters.

  30. He placed a curse on his daughter? Yikes.

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

  31. Wonder what was the curse.. Interesting characters.. the illustrations are good too

  32. Hi David - perhaps his writings will be found and the curse can be lifted ... sounds really terrible - as he looks positively awful now ... love Father Al's drawing .. cheers Hilary

  33. Very interesting, and the creepy picture raises all kinds of questions. Like, what would happen if you poke him...
