Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Guest Post: Roland Yeomans' The Not-So-Innocents Abroad "Don't You Hate Book Tours" Book Tour!

Hey guys! I've been gone from the blogging waters for so long I'm not sure where to start. All good things, I can assure you. Thankfully, I have a blogging legend here who is willing to take control of the helm for just a wee little bit longer. Please welcome the wisdom and might of Roland Yeomans! What knowledge have you for us?

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Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the internet waters, here comes another guest post in my
“Don’t You Hate Book Tours?” Book Tour!
A Kindle book is always a live book. A print book withers off the shelf of a bookstore within weeks.

Why do I mention Kindle books? THE NOT-SO-INNOCENTS ABROAD is now available in affordable Kindle format. Isn’t that cooler than the other side of the pillow?

Did you like my A TO Z CHALLENGE series of posts sparkling with the banter between the ghost of Mark Twain and Sigmund Freud?

Well, old Mark’s wit can be seen striking sparks from the likes of Ulysses S. Grant, Sitting Bull, a vampire Benjamin Franklin, 11 year old Nikola Tesla, and more …

What more? Well, there is that incident where Mark Twain, just innocently mind you, finds his hand on the naked thigh of a beautiful alien assassin!

So if you’ve enjoyed Mark Twain in my A TO Z posts, he is waiting for you in THE NOT-SO-INNOCENTS ABROAD …

Along with Samuel McCord, his newly wed alien Empress wife, an insane Abraham Lincoln, Horace Greely, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Captain Nemo, and many more.

Have a book coming out? Are you writing a book? Have you written books already?

It is important, not only that you have them in affordable Kindle format, but regularly write interesting posts on your blog.

You never know when a blog visitor will be so taken with your posts that she or he will want to take a chance on one of your books.
 THE ODDS ARE NOT IN YOUR FAVOR … UNLESS YOU MAKE THEM SO! With Kindle books you can publish new books more frequently unlike traditional print.



After which your books will make fewer waves in the Amazon algorithm.

What this means is that 90 days after you publish a book, it’s less likely to sell.

Some authors have used this cliff to their advantage, by making sure they publish a book every 90 days without fail.

It can be a novella, a short story, or a multi-author box set. It doesn’t seem to matter what you put out, as long as you’re publishing something every 90 days.

Beginning to hyperventilate?  Don’t stress over this.

Simply make sure you’re publishing as often as you can to keep your books higher in Amazon’s rankings.

Still reading this? What are you waiting for? Get to it and write.



  1. Wise tips, as ever, Roland and useful info. I wasn't aware of the 90 day Amazon life span. Good to know. Wishing you lots of success with 'Not-So-Innocents Abroad'. Have a great week.

    1. You, too. Thanks for following me over here from my blog. :-)

  2. I'm not so sure that thigh touch was so innocent...

    1. The assassin was sure ... that it wasn't! Lucky that Mark had Ada Byron to come to his rescue!

  3. Every 90 days?! Geez, I'll be amazed if I can get a book out every two years.

    1. It doesn't have to be a book -- a novella or a collection of short stories will do.

  4. A vampire Benjamin Franklin? Love that concept.

    1. And he is following the orders of a vampire Abigail Adams. I think you would enjoy the ride aboard the Xanadu. :-)

  5. Ooh! The post is up now.

    That's my publishing plan after this next book--stockpile for a bit and then release several books in a year. You have to optimize, eh?

  6. Trouble with Kindle you can accumulate way too many books way too easily. What I have on mine would take a millenium to read.

  7. Crystal:
    John Locke, though a sleaze in many ways, was right in one thing: a salesman hates to have a hot product but no inventory! Having a new book coming out every 3 months takes advantage of new readers wanting to read more of your books.

    I only buy books for my Kindle that I seriously intend to read which slims down my cyber-stack substancially! :-)

  8. Release something every 90 days? Well, I suppose if you stockpiled a bunch of things and then started...

    1. It doesn't have to be a full novel -- a novella, a collection of your short stories, or one of your stories in an anthology -- which luckily is happening for me at the end of this month in THE THING THAT TURNED ME ANTHOLOGY.

  9. A book every 90 days? *Laughs head off* I bought over 120 paperback/hardbacks last year so print is alive and well for me and mine. Also bought a bunch of kindle books but I want to broaden my online/digital book sources. Amazon can't get all my digital book money.

    1. That is just how Amazon crafted its algorithm, Sheena-kay. We deal with it or we don't. Our choice.

      Like I have said: a story of ours in an anthology will work -- and there are a few anthologies out there asking for submissions.

      I have 11 paperbacks, too. And that is another way for you to be published every 90 days. Put your book out in print. Wait 90 days and put it out in Kindle format. And in those 180 days have an audio version made of your book, releasing it 90 days after your Kindle release. One book but THREE separate releases to keep your name high in the Amazon algorithm over nine months which gives you time to write another book to do the same thing all over again.

      We have to deal with the publishing world as it is. But if we are creative, we can do it.

  10. I had no idea about the 90 day rule. It seems like a bad one because it would be so hard to publish something new every three months and have it be a quality story. Thanks for your advice.

    And hi David! Hope you're doing well.

    1. Natalie, there are ways to be creative with it. As I've said earlier,, put out your book in 3 formats 90 days apart and put out a collection of short stories -- and that gives you a whole year to write another novel that is a quality production.

  11. 90 days is also the shelf life of a print book. If it doesn't meet and exceed sales expectations, it's pulled. At least books online get to sit there forever.

    1. Exactly. I am talking about that very thing on Vesper's blog tomorrow actually. You are psychic. :-)

  12. Engaging post, Roland! I still adore print books, but for my own sake, I am keenly interested in the discussion of digital books. Keep up the amazing work!
    Hi, David!
    It's only my first visit and I'm already sure I'll be back;-)

    1. Check out CHICK WITH A QUILL on Friday the 13th for more nifty ideas about digital publishing. Wasn't David nice to do this?

  13. Glad to see you blogging again:) And yeah, that 90-day cliff is definitely something that looms over all our heads.

    1. Mark, David is back! Sort of. :-) We just have to be creative with those 90 days deadlines, right?
