Saturday, April 25, 2015

The WOVEN A to Z Challenge: V is for Vagas!

I dedicate this A to Z Challenge to Tina Downey, one of the A to Z Challenge founders and one of the brightest bloggers who sadly left us last year. Harder still, she was in a secret support group that I'm part of. The best way I can honor Tina, who was excited about and never had the opportunity to read my debut, I've teamed up with Father Dragon to present short bios and character portraits from Woven. I'll write the bios and all art is created by Al Diaz. I hope you enjoy this visual tribute to our friend, Tina.

Today's illustration is by one of Al's many dwarfs -- Tassin, son of Zenon and father of Sessin, Father Dragon's Task Master and leader of the Dwarf Cheering Squad. Thanks for helping FD out, Tassin.

If you happen to live in or near Las Vegas, I will be signing copies of Woven with my co-author Michael Jensen, today at the Rainbow Boulevard Barnes and Noble at 2:00 pm. Do come and say hi! :)

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V is for the Vagas

Once a part of the kingdom of Westmine, the Vagas have become a nomadic people, having made their home in the deep woods of the valley. They are a branch from the land of Ilyden, the birthplace of divining magic. Because of Hilvar's ghost and Westmine's stewardship in the hands of Avërand's king, the Vagas will never regain their kingdom--unless a royal from Avërand comes to change all that...
Monday: W is for Wallin

To learn more about Woven, please visit

I'm David, and "they were a happy people--genuinely happy."


  1. Hope the signing goes well!
    Tassin did a great job.

  2. Have fun at the signing!

    That's a great illustration. It really makes you feel like they are nomadic people.

  3. Great representation of them! Have fun at the signing.

  4. If Tassin did the drawing again, why is it signed Lillith?

    1. That's dwarvish runes, Grandmother. It says Tassin. :)

  5. They look to be an interesting and lovely people, like the Roma.

  6. I like reading about nomadic tribes and such, they sound very interesting folk.

  7. Great choice for V David. Good luck with the signing.

  8. Sounds like a sad story behind those characters.

  9. I hope your signing went well too.


  10. Hi David - I hope your book signing was a success yesterday .. fun to be a part of ... while Father Al is keeping his minions in line with the art work .. cheers Hilary

  11. Hope everything went well at the signing!

    Also, great picture! Lots of nice energy in it. So sad about their kingdom...

  12. I liked their part of the story, and could see more coming if you ever wrote the sequel, or prequel! Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

  13. I hope the signing went well!

  14. I am catching up! Love the plot behind these people and what became of them and what may help them
