Thursday, April 24, 2014

A To Z Challenge: Unbreakable "Unbreakable"

For my first A to Z Challenge ever, I'm highlighting a favorite track from various science fiction and fantasy movies, games, and TV shows. Feel free to press play and listen while you visit other A to Z participants.

This may come as a surprise to you, but when I'm asked what my favorite superhero film is, I say Unbreakable. It's the best example of ultra subtle and realistic super abilities I know. It's also super hard to go wrong with James Newton Howard helming the score. This is one of those stories that I wish I'd written, and this film helped fuel my desire to include great twists in my writing - not my trademark, so no worries ...

There will be a new track tomorrow. Thank you for stopping by!

I'm David, and "they call me Mr. Glass, because I break like glass."


  1. Not the director's best film, but he had a really unique idea and twist.

  2. I think the film is somewhat underrated, actually. Very enjoyable.

  3. This was actually my first M.Night movie, I missed the Sixth Sense craze because someone told me the ending.

  4. I haven't seen this one. I always think about certain books and movies and say, "Why didn't I think of that." !!

  5. It's OK up to the end where it seemed they just ran out of film and so threw up a card saying the bad guy was put in prison.

  6. I haven't seen this movie (Don't hate me. :P ), but it sounds right up my alley. The music is great. :)

  7. Not sure it is my favorite superhero film, but it is up there. I think it is one of his best and the score is ominous and fits so well. I watch this movie often.

    Brandon Ax: Writer's Storm

  8. I really liked Unbreakable. I thought they did a good job with each character. Also, I love what you did with the Challenge. I'm sorry I missed it throughout….

    AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge

  9. I love Unbreakable. Actually, I love all M. Night movies (I know, I know) and James Newton Howard scores most of them.

  10. Not familiar with that one at all, but I'd probably be interested.

  11. I love the music. It is haunting. I have yet to see this movie, but am now intrigued! ♥

  12. That was the M. Night Shyamalan film, right? It was certainly unique... I remember really liking it, and I usually don't like superhero movies. In fact, I NEVER like superhero movies.

  13. The music sounds haunting. Very cool!

  14. It was definitely realistic, but didn't make much of an impression on me. Okay, maybe that's not true because I still remember the movie, but it didn't fall into my favorites category. You make me want to go watch it again.

    True Heroes from A to Z

  15. Perfect music for meditating in the sauna. Thank you!

  16. I haven't seen this one yet. It's one my dad keeps reminding me to see(I need to get to that watch list!). :)

    The Immarcescible Word

  17. Sigh. I need to see this one,, too. My to see list is getting a bit lengthy... Great music, though!

  18. I never saw that movie but now I want to.

  19. It's been too long since I've seen it to remember the music.
    Supposedly, Shyamalan meant for there to be a sequel to Unbreakable, but, I guess, he couldn't figure out another twist ending.
    That guy just sucks.

  20. The unbreakable human concept is pretty radical, I used to think I was unbreakable growing up but then I was only eight and wanted to fly like Superman.

  21. I love Unbreakable! One of my favorites!

  22. I saw this movie, and I loved it.

  23. It has been quite a few years since I saw this film, but I thought it was very good. I think what I liked best about it was the exploration of anti-heroes. You really want Mr. Glass to be a good guy... and he is, but he isn't. Also it was Twisty Turny Good.

  24. Unbreakable wasn't a bad movie--I always thought a sequel without the origin story to drag it down would be a lot better. I didn't remember the music, but it's pretty good.

  25. This gave me a hankering to watch the movie again.

  26. Oh I love Unbreakable! Funny, hubby and I were talking over the weekend how we should watch it again soon. The score is great, too!

  27. nice haunting music...i haven't watched the movie though.....!

  28. Oh yeah, this is a great movie, one of my favorites!

  29. Haven't seen the film, but the music is eerily beautiful.

  30. I was really excited to see your "U" was Unbreakable! Not many people I know like the movie, but I love it! Not even sure how many times I have seen it by now. Been a long while, so I'm definitely due for another viewing.

    This was during a period I felt M. Night Shyamalan was still in his groove. I liked most of his movies, while many of my friends/family didn't (beyond The 6th Sense). Ah well.

    I had to crank up the volume on my laptop, because apparently the music is as soft and subdued as the movie itself.

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink
