Friday, August 30, 2013

Great Advice From My Favorite Comic Strip Artist!

Hey, guys!

It's been a whirlwind of a week, but I'm excited to tell you that a silver lining is in sight - some good news is about to be unleashed! Until then, before everything's official, I'd like to share a thought I found while perusing Facebook. You guys know Calvin and Hobbs by Bill Watterson? I used to start my days reading that strip in the paper as a kid. It was a sad day when Mr. Watterson retired from that strip, but like a breath of fresh air, this nugget of joy found me, reminding me of the things in life that should be most important to me:

"To invent your own life's meaning is not easy, but it's still allowed, and I think you'll be happier for the trouble." - Bill Watterson 

Have a great weekend, everyone! See you in September.

I'm David, and it's time for that autumn leaf action!


  1. That's a great saying. I miss Calvin and Hobbes. And The Far Side.
    Can't wait to hear the good news!

  2. What a great quote to start the day with. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Fabulous quote indeed! I am also super excited for news! <3

  4. Wonderful quote! I loved Calvin & Hobbes. So much, I named my cats Calvin & Hobbes. (Even though they were both females and Calvin ended up being the sweetie while Hobbes was the evil genius.)

  5. That was awesome. I'm glad you shared it. :)

  6. Looking forward to hearing your news. I know this has been an emotional time for you -- before and after you went public with the news. I hope that it will soon all be behind you and your writing journey can continue on a better path.

  7. Awesome quote can't wait to hear the news.

  8. I look forward to hearing about this silver lining!

  9. Unleash the good news. That strip is a work of greatness. Still read it in the local paper.

  10. Aw, David. That brought tears to my eyes. I'm excited for your news!

  11. Can't wait to hear the news! Great quote.

  12. What a great quote, I'll have to write that one down. I'm looking forward to the good news!

  13. Great quote. So glad you have good news. I'll look forward to celebrating with you!
