Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday Scores: Forbidden Friendship

Every once in a while, a movie scene will be completely enveloped by its score, a scene where nothing needs to be said and the music does all the talking. That's what happened when I heard this week's track, an ominous, hopeful, even magical piece that still causes warm chills:

Forbidden Friendship by John Powell
From the film: How to Train Your Dragon

The track itself sounds like the perfect pace for a story's arc, starting off intense, and then slow, and then it builds tempo, builds, reaches a climax, and resolves quickly. Haunting and warming, I can't think of a better track to unite two begins that were never meant to coexist.

Until now. Have a fantastic day, everyone!

I'm David, and did you hug your dragon today?


  1. That was a great scene from an awesome movie.

  2. Haven't seen that one in a while, such a great movie. Might have to watch it today. :-)

  3. I love listening to the scores of movies-- if only we could insert them into our novels to help create the proper mood!

  4. Love that movie, and love the music! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. This movie has a fabulous score. So beautiful. And now I want to write a forbidden friendship story. :)

  6. I love this piece of music. It is wonderful and that scene is my favourite because of it.
    Aye, I did hug my dragon.

  7. Such an awesome pic! I am kind of addicted to movie scores for writing-time :) There's this one from Seven Pounds that just kills me (in a good way!).

  8. Great pick! I really like the tone of this one. :)


  9. Not to mention it's said music tames the beast. (In my case it works)

  10. I always love soundtracks, especially intrumentals. I often use them to write by.

  11. I didn't think you could get any more awesome, and then you had to post about HTTYD movie sound track.

    You are David, and I could just hug you.

  12. I've heard of the movie but haven't seen it yet. Since my son was born this year- the year of the dragon-I've been keeping my eyes (and in this case, ears) open to dragon-themed items for his 1 year birthday. (I begin my party planning way in advance.)Thanks for giving me an idea I could use for the party!

  13. This is my most favourite piece from this movie! So excited to see this one got chosen. Thanks David!

  14. Great pick! Beautiful score on this. Have a great weekend.

  15. this movie & incredibles are my two top faves
    the scene is so moving & perfect & you're right how the music enhances their emotions, telling the story.
    i collected dragons when i was young, still have a couple.
    wish i could have one for a pet

    another reason i love game of thrones!

  16. I cried because of the music in this movie. Yes, I'm a big boob.
