Wednesday, October 10, 2012

inkPageant: 1st Birthday Bash With A Kindle Fire!


A year ago, Darren Hansen had the ingenious idea of building a blogging aggregator to give writers another opportunity to share and connect with editors, agents, and other writers with their blog posts. We've since received thousands of posts that has enriched our database with more topics than anyone can think of in one sitting. As a way of saying "Thank You" for an amazing first year, the inkPageant team is giving away a Kindle Fire this month. We're not joking. For full details, check out this link.

We look forward to a new year of unabashed awesomeness. Thank you for your ongoing contributions. 

I'm David, and I think I know what I want for my birthday ...


  1. Very cool! Want me to mention it in the Ninja News on Friday?

    1. That would be most excellent, Alex. Thanks for offering! The team appreciates it. :)

  2. Has it really been a year? Wow! off to submit another post :)

  3. That is a super gift. It must be a great thriving community.

  4. I want a kindle so bad. And Happy Birthday DPK. Next week I'll bake you a cake when I see you.

  5. You and Darren are awesome! And I hope your birthday rocks!

  6. I always was a hold-out on the ebook format. I liked the heft of books, the feel of pages. Someone gave me a kindle as a gift, and I'm hooked.

    Have a wonderful birthday-- pamper yourself!

  7. What an awesome giveaway! And I think I want what you want for your birthday. (; Have a great birthday.

  8. Pass on the Kindle Fire. The Wife won a Kindle Fire HD last week. It's driving her crazy.

  9. I've really enjoyed inkPageant--thanks for all the work you guys do to keep it running.

  10. What an amazing opportunity! I would love a Kindle Fire! And Happy Birthday to you

  11. I just found your blog today and it is amazing. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the world. Happy Birthday next week!

  12. Ah! I have to keep remembering to put stuff on this amazing site. Congrats you guys!

  13. Great giveaway David! Happy Birthday... And good luck to all who enter.

    Tims is certainly flying.... TOO FAST~

  14. Um, where on Earth have I been? That is an awesome website!!!

  15. Happy Birthday, Team Inkgeant :)

    And, DPK, no you cannot have James Bond's Astin Martin :)

  16. Congratulations to the team!! A Kindle Fire? Some lucky soul is going to be grinning from ear to ear...

  17. Oh, this is cool. I use Hiveword sometimes, which is also a writing blog aggregator, but a second one is great--I will have to check this out.

  18. Congratulations and "Happy Birthday!"

  19. congrats!
    i've been shy to post there, like my articles arent writerly enough...
    love the site tho!
