Thursday, March 15, 2012

Random Sauce: The Lucky 7 Meme!

Guess what? I got tagged - three times! Cherie, C. M. Brown, and Cassie Mae are responsible (all names start with a C ... you know what I think of that? Cool!). And so, without further (or much) ado, here are the rules:

1. Go to page 77 of your current ms.

2. Go to line 7.

3. Copy down the next 7 lines/sentences, and post them as they're written. No cheating.

4. Tag 7 other victims, er, authors.

My WiP (The Dragon's Heart) page 77 isn't ready, and I'm, uh, not allowed to share anything from my current MS (Woven), so here's a snapshot of GroundShaker, my first stab at epic (door-stopper) fantasy.

*     *     *

He knelt beside the stranger and held the blade against the man’s throat.

“What are you doing?” Old Father asked.

“It’s him!” Tears formed in Jesin’s eyes. “He's the one who killed her!”

Uric stepped back, his face paling. “Her who?”

“Breathe, Jesin,” Old Father invited. “Put down the knife. You do not know if this man is responsible for your sister’s death as much as I. We can never know unless we ask. Let us take him to your home and tend to him, as well as your father. He may be willing to talk, then.”

*     *     *

Now, here are the lucky 7 recipients!


*     *     *

I'm David, and beware the Ides of March!

(Happy "Back-Stabbing" Day ...)


  1. I love how most people doing this meme happen to have the grittiest parts on page 77! :P

    Of course, now I'm wondering if he talked.

    1. At that moment the potential victim is unconscious, but he does have a tight lip with his wits about him. Thanks! :)

  2. I say kill him! lol just kidding. That was very intense :)

  3. well darn it all, somebody beat me to giving you that award! But at least I got a peek at what you're writing. Sounds interesting :)

  4. I repeat: "HER WHO?"

  5. VERY cool! So intense.

    And why can't you share part of WOVEN??? :)

    1. You have no idea how hard it is to NOT tell you. Soon, eventually, I hope. ;)

  6. oooh! Very cool lines David. Not that I'm surprised. Love it!

  7. Oh, fun! I love that your snippet is so action-packed. Okay, I guess I'll go prepare my own... :)

  8. This thing has definitely been making the rounds. Can't wait to meet you at Cheesecake factory tomorrow.

  9. Tense scene! And dodged the tagging bullet again.

  10. That sounds so exciting! I want to know what else is going on! <3 it!

  11. Very rad! Also, gotta love those Ides of March;)

  12. Very exciting excerpt! It really makes me want to know what is going on!

  13. I loved Anna's response! That was a great sniplet.

  14. Ohhhhh... exciting...

    I love this 7 Meme thing... way fun to just pick out a blurb and show it to the world! :D

  15. Julius Caesar!

    Great excerpt. I love seeing what other people have written, though it always makes me feel my writing is terrible.

    I'm having my suspicions about Woven...

  16. Ah, I love reading these things.
    Added bonus, I never get tagged. ^_^

    I am also having ideas about what's going down with Woven.

  17. The Dragon's Heart sounds intense. Best of luck with finishing your wip!

    Thank you so much for passing the award my way. Fun fun!

  18. Great tension and emotion. The Lucky 7 meme has been going around a lot lately. Mine is scheduled to appear tomorrow on my blog.

  19. Pretty sure I was one of dem people who tagged you with this too, but it was just so I could read some of your stuff, lol.

    You did not disappoint :)

    1. Yes you did. I updated the second I saw your comment. Thanks for telling me! :)

  20. i love this meme! these little snippets are such a tease! next we must do the lucky 13!

  21. Good stuff. So many people have exciting scenes on page 77. I'm afraid to even look at mind for fear my character will be going to bed or driving a car or something mundane like that.

  22. Yes David, I was also one of the people who tagged you and like Cassie, I just wanted to read your work! Interesting stuff!

  23. That's a really cool Meme!

    I'm glad that you got tagged. I love door stopper fantasy.

  24. I sense some interesting news about WOVEN coming soon ...
