Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Post: It's Been One Of Those Weeks ...

There's something I need to tell you guys. I totally auto-posted the last few posts. And a good thing I did. Turns out the universe must be telling me something. Not sure what yet, but there's got to be a reason for not-so-great things to happen all at the same time.

Things could be worse, but dude! Handling them all at once is, like, majorly bogus

Things aren't always the best. Such is life, so we'll get through this. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? Having said that, I must take a blogging leave of absence for a little while. Maybe a week? That should be enough time to sort stuff out. I'll make an earnest effort to be a better blogger when I return, because you guys deserve awesome posts throughout November.

There's some exciting news coming, so you know!

I'm David, and someone is fixing the car.


  1. Nooooooo! Not the cookies!!!!

    Bad weeks are major bummers. I'm sorry you've been having one, but hasn't it been said that it's gotta get bad before it can get good? So it's gotta get good soon.

    Just be careful with the oven :-)

  2. Hope you weren't in accident! :-(( Yeah, there's a reason for those old sayings, including "when it rains, it pours". Trouble seems to travel in cosmic tsunamis. Hope all gets sorted out and that nothing was catastrophic. Shame about those cookies...

  3. I tell you, I was so excited for NaNo on Monday night when I went to bed, but woke up with a migraine yesterday and didn't write much. Plus, it's still hanging on some today. I might already be screwed for NaNo.

  4. Oh, no! I hope everything gets sorted soon.

  5. Take all the time you need. Life gets in the way of blogging on occasion.. or a lot if you're me. Keep us posted on how life is rounding up. Here's hoping the sun shines for you!

  6. Dave- you are not alone. I'm certainly glad that someone is fixing the car. I hope everything else sorts itself out soon. Take all the time you need and we'll look forward to seeing you when life calms down a bit.

  7. No worries. Stuff happens. And you're not alone.

  8. What doesn't kill you in life also makes good fodder for writing sometimes. :)

    Hope things turn around for you in November.

  9. Oh David, I feel your pain. One of our cars died too. Hope things are better for you in a week!

  10. Hey, I hope everything is okay. Sounds rough.

  11. Hope things turn brighter for you soon!! :D

  12. Hope things take an up-swing sometime soon! Seems like the universe just all goes to pot at the same time--I swear it saves all the crappy stuff to dump it at the same time... Such is life!

  13. I've had a few of those weeks, more like a few hundred.

  14. "Good times, bad times, you know I've had my share.."

    I hope you maintain some sanity while working everything out. And you're right, you will be stronger for it in the end. Can't wait until you're back, brother!

  15. Hang in there. One positive note- you have lots of people rooting for your bummer week to turn around!

  16. Oh you poor guy. I'm rooting for you over here.
    You know, you probably don't realize how inspiring you are -- you're a blogger/writer we like, admire, respect, and I find it admirable that you're taking a break to take care of things instead of killing yourself to blog in the middle of it. Great inspiration can come from the echoes of poignant silence.

    Oh, and you made me laugh at your comment about the pic of the burnt cookies. So great that you have a sense of humor despite everything!

    I'm wishing you lots of blessings this week!

  17. Major bogus!
    I will emoticon frown for you :(
    But seriously I hope things start looking up.

  18. Aw, sucky weeks stink, right? And burnt cookies are definitely thee worse. It's been a sucky week all around, huh? I hope everything gets better! A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. (Or four. However many you need in your coffee.) ;)

  19. Awww, hope you can turn thing saround David, take care and we'll see you when you get back.

  20. hang in there! Things will get better. :)

  21. Sorry to hear you are having tough times. Hang in there and I hope things turn around for you soon!

    I'm glad you can still have a sense of humor in spite of your troubles. I cracked up at the cookies!

  22. Those cookies are still good. Just gotta break off the crispy, burnt parts. It's all gooooood.

    Have a good break.

  23. Thanks for finding my blog! Hope things get better for you asap. :)

  24. I hope that the exciting news is that you've got a huge agent, a Big Six book contract, and are being lauded as the next Neil Gaiman. Anything short of that and you will only get the courtesy smile.

  25. Sorry to hear you are having a bad week! Hang in there... and I can't wait to hear your exciting news.

  26. He wasn't in an accident. His 2001 Beetle just caught a bug. It chocked on it and died. And his baby turned one yesterday! Happy Birthday sweet niece of mine. Your cousin turned one cousin duo ever!

    Love ya Bro,

  27. I'm sorry it's been such a rough week. :( Hope things clear up soon!

  28. It all hits at once, doesn't it. Hang in there. It's bound to get better.

  29. Just a great post...I'm laughing - nnoooo, not at your troubles...with you. Ha!

    I wanted to stop by and offer congrats on making the long list for REN3! Great job.

    Hope this weekend makes up for the week...
