Happy Holidays from the Laire!
When I hopped online this morning, I stared at the screen for some time, completely befuddled. Have I really gone so long without drafting a new post? Gracious me! If there is some form of blogging protocol, I fear that I may have blown it.
In light of this, I think it's time to rewrite my strategy if I want to be taken seriously as an aspiring writer and, hopefully, gain an audience. Having said that, I will make an sincere effort to maintain a weekly update on my writing business and progress every Monday morning by 9 AM, Mountain Time. And every morning after that, I will write a daily post to share an interesting word that I have discovered as I build my vocabulary (Word Rouse) or share a bit of advice about writing and networking (Aspiring Advice). It is my hope that by doing this I may earnestly provide a reason for the online public to find interest in my blog, visit more often, help other writers in their aspirations as we learn the craft together, and show that I take the challenge of writing seriously. No more apathetic blogger for me!
Also, you can find The Cosmic Laire on Facebook. I'm toying with the idea of turning it into a fan site. We'll see what happens.
And now, to business . . .
Updates: I had a two week leave of work to visit my family for the Thanksgiving Holiday. As you can imagine, I got very little done. On the train, however, I continued the editing process of my collaboration. I also read a rather valuable resource on the train; There, their, They're: A no-tears guide to grammar from the Word Nerd, by Annette Lyon. I bought this book from her some time ago, but I should have read it when I first received it! Getting to the point, I have a much greater understanding and appreciation of grammar and it's proper usages, especially technical grammar—like En Dashes—and . . . Ellipses!
Chapters 6 and 7 of the collaboration are under particular attention right now since there is so much detail and exposition to be clarified on the magic system and the propulsion of the plot. That will be my agenda this week; resolve! Also, my "editor" read through the first three chapters again and has given me a few new ideas to work with. Just when you think you're finished, right? I can't complain, really. I need all the help I can get, to which I am grateful.
Also, over the weekend, I had the privilege of attending two signings, one for Brandon Mull (Fablehaven) and another for Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn, The Gathering Storm). I was pleased that they remembered me from past conventions. I'm am very grateful for their encouragement to continue my writing. "Don't give up," as Mr. Sanderson succinctly put it.
Have a terrific week and stay tuned for interesting words and advice from an aspiring writer.
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