Wednesday, May 1, 2019

IWSG: Recalibrating: A Writer's Journey Interrupted!'s the first Wednesday of the month, which means it's time to get insecure! Special thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh for creating/hosting the Insecure Writer's Support Group, a monthly forum for writers to share insecurities without fear of reprisal.

Hello again, after what feels like a completely unplanned and overly long absence! This is more of a general update to let you all know that, yes, I'm still here. And yes, I'm still writing ... at a pace that I'm not thrilled about, but regular. For those waiting on the next zombie installment, the story caught a snag. It's undergoing a rewrite, and the search for a home for my dragon story continues. To all things not writing related, they're going well! You can even say my attention is mostly focused on that. With a good job that is emotionally taxing and giving what I have left to my family at the end of the day has given me little to work with on the writing front. Hence the slow pace, and total social media absence.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I simply rolled the dice and am doing the best I can with the result. I also realize just how much I haven't used my blog and social media outlets. The internet isn't what it was a few years ago (and crimany, parts of it I want to avoid at all costs!), meaning there may be some reinventing to do when I'm able to come back to writing at full steam. Until then, I'm just making do.

There are no promises on how active I will be online or when my next work comes out, but these things are on my mind, and anytime I have news to share, I'll be sure to post about it. However, I am taking the steps needed to stay active. I'm excited for the opportunities to guest at conventions and be a judge for the 2019 IWSG Anthology Contest (I posted an update on convention dates here). Keep doing what you do best, and THANK YOU for visiting my corner of the web.

And if you havent's seen Endgame yet, WOW, what a movie!

What's new in your corner of the web? What are the trends you've seen? If you saw Endgame, did you enjoy it (no spoilers, please)?

I'm David, and May the Fourth be with you!


  1. Welcome back!
    Sometimes real life does zap our creative juices.

  2. Welcome back, David. Sometimes life interrupts in a big way.

  3. Hi David! My life is one big chaotic interruption.

  4. At least you're doing some writing. Slow and steady wins the race.

  5. Oh, shoot! I've got a nephew's birthday to buy for. Thanks for reminding me. (May 4th. "May the fourth be with you" always makes me think of him. He'll be 9.)

    I'm glad your work and family is good. The internet will be here when you have more time. No rush. Sounds like your life has taken a turn where your energy is required elsewhere. Good luck.

  6. You're still writing and that is something very positive. Sometimes we have to take a position and hold firm to that position.
    Wishing you all the best.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  7. I saw Avengers: Endgame and really enjoyed it. Nice culmination to eleven years of crossovers. I can't mention all the stuff I liked yet, of course, not until everyone who wants to see it has done so.

  8. Welcome back! Hopefully the writing starts to pick up for you. It can be hard to focus when life and work take up most of our time.

  9. A slow but regular writing pace is certainly better than not writing at all.

    I haven't been very active on social media of late. Just haven't had the time or energy for it. Other things have just been more important.

  10. You can only do what you can do. I am trying out regular writing time and time to update the agent spotlights on my blog. I'm cutting back on work so I can do this. It's not as regular as I'd like.

  11. We all have to take breaks for real life. In the end, that's what truly matters most, right?

    Glad to hear you're still writing and that the home front is good. :)

  12. Show me the way!!
    Some of us are still stumbling around in the dark.
    Love that you are shining the light for others.

  13. Yes, show us the way! I'm still struggling to figure out the "new" or "old" way of marketing. Is there a way?
    May the fourth be with you, too!

  14. New or old aren't we all here because we want to write? You keep doing your thing and that snag will unsnag itself.

  15. Glad you are finding your way back. Happy IWSG Day.

  16. Glad to see you back. Family is always first.

  17. Bravo. Good to hear your passion for writing has never left you. Blessings.

  18. I envy all the energy you have. Your schedule sounds rather exhausting. It's definitely more than I would want to do in a single day. :) Best of luck on writing.

  19. I haven't seen any movies, but when I gave my son $40 for him to go with his brother, he bought the tickets online, only to discover he bought them for a theater in Illinois. We live in Texas. 0_o By the time he figured out his mistake, it was showtime and too late for a refund.

    Welcome back. I'll have a good thought for both of us, that life will let us get back to our writing soon.

  20. Hi DAVID.

    ENDGAME WAS AWESOME! I really enjoyed and may see it again. Life always seem to get in the way with our creativity...if anyone can relate to that, I certainly can...

    Hang in there and even if you only write a paragraph or two at a time, it is still accomplishing something.

  21. Life is a harsh mistress all right. Being a rare blood courier I know all about that and writing. You're right about the internet and blogging. They are not as warm and friendly as they used to be. If you write but a page a day, in a year, you will have written a book. Hang in there.

  22. As long as you're writing something you like, at any pace, it's worth it:) Keep it up:)

  23. It isn't what it used to be, I agree. I miss the old blogging days. It was really fun. Now the internet just seems like a chaotic swirl of angst. I'm definitely treading carefully. I had to pop in and see if you'd posted. Love to the family!
