Wednesday, October 3, 2018

On Sale Now! Discounted Books Perfect For Halloween Reading and IWSG: Flowing Words and Genealogy!
With Halloween coming up is a few weeks, I like to read and watch stories of ghosts, icky zombies and other chilling tales of a Twilight Zone nature. If you're reading this, you're in luck! Not only are my books discounted on Amazon, but so is Full Dark: An Anthology. It's the first year since this title released, and it's provided a lot of good since all the proceeds go to veterans and first responders. All this month, you can catch these really sweet deals:

Full Dark is a collection of eleven short works with impressive depth and range. Twisted tales of ghosts, villains, and the paranormal await you—mystery, heinous fantasy, and pure suspense. Acclaimed and award-winning authors as well as a few talented newcomers have joined forces to be your guide. Venture into the dark if you dare.

100% of the proceeds from this anthology will be donated to the Gary Sinise Foundation, an organization that does many wonderful things for our country's active military, its veterans, and the countless first responders who sacrifice so much to keep us safe.
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Also releasing this week is a new powerhouse of a novel by Chad Morris and Shelly Brown called Squint, the story of a young boy who is trying to finish his comic before having a corneal transplant. From the same team who gave us Mustaches for Maddie, this novel places kids in tough situations in a way that is very real and touching.

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If you're here for Insecure Writer's Support Group, here's my post:

It's the first Wednesday of the month, which means it's time to get insecure! Special thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh for creating/hosting the Insecure Writer's Support Group, a monthly forum for writers to share insecurities without fear of reprisal.

Ushering in October is a breath of fresh air. It's my favorite month for a number of reasons, and so far it's been good to me. I may have presented myself as something of a downer in my last post, but I am grateful. After such a long absence, I could be real and be received well. I thank you for your understanding through this transition.

While I continue to manage my anxiety and depression, it hasn't been a headache to do so this month. And I'm happily reporting some 10K words clocked for September! That may not be a lot considering 10K is a couple days work for some, but that's a huge step in comparison to months of 0K words. Should the next couple months yield the same results, I should have a working draft of My Zombie Summer: Part 2 finished well before Christmas. Get excited! It's coming!

Finally, I had the privilege to attend a gathering of distant relatives who share a common ancestry with a fellow named Edmund Rice, who was a colonist of what would be the United States of America. I thank my father for discovering this association. It was a blast to connect with people from the past and catch a glimpse of where I came from.

That's all for now. See you again next month, if not sooner!

What gets you excited about the month of October? Got any creepy plans this month? What have you learned about your ancestors?

I'm David, and I'm taking my writing to the next level ...


  1. Ten thousand is a lot! Good job.
    You are so going to enjoy that iPad Pro.

  2. The number of words isn't as important as just moving forward.

    1. Exactly, it's the moving forward that's been the learning curve for me. :)

  3. 10 K is epic! Way to get words on the page! If I could get down that much right now, I'd be in heaven. Count the small successes, eh? You rock!

  4. Congratulations on a super-productive September. Enjoy your new writing tool, and happy writing in October.

  5. So good to hear you are in the writing zone.

    Hard to believe it's been a year since Full Dark came out. A wonderful book from such a fiasco of a beginning.

  6. Hi David - congratulations on getting on with life ... and writing is an essential isn't it. I'm so pleased things are coming together for you ... and good luck with those sales ... while it's great to know it's going to the Gary Sinese cause ... cheers Hilary

  7. You are rockin' it David! So happy to hear you upbeat and productive. Don't mock 10,000, it's a great number! I can't wait till your next Zombie book comes out, waiting impatiently... I'm hoping October is pretty in Ohio. This is our first one here... I LOVE learning about my ancestors and wish I could devote more time to the search, but stories must come first! Thanks for dropping by my blog!

    1. Hopefully you won't have to wait much longer. I have a feeling you're going to love it. :)

  8. Wow, 10,000 words is like taking 10,000 steps - a great accomplishment. It makes you feel accomplished and tired. :)

  9. Yea for creepy tales on sale! And yea for you getting back to your writing! :)

  10. Glad you are feeling better and getting some writing done. I'm still at writing none of my own writing.

  11. Ten thousand is not a walk in the park! Congrats on the goals. I take it one day at a time, life and writing.

  12. 10k in a month sounds fast to me. Hope your depression ets better over October. Fall is such a great time of the year!

  13. Keeping depression and anxiety in check and getting words written sounds like a winner of a month to me. Enjoy your October!

  14. Words are good. You wrote more than me :) It sounds like October is the favorite month of a lot of bloggers.

  15. Congrats on the great word count. Super envy for the iPad Pro.

  16. I'm impressed with 10K! Glad to hear you're enjoying fall. I've been mourning the end of summer, so it makes me happy to know you're happy. :)

    1. Thanks! As much as I love summer, I'm happy for some cooling. :)

  17. 10,000 words in a month is AMAZING. Hooray for progress...and for getting closer to that working draft.

    Happy October!

  18. Oh! Nice iPad Pro! Very slick. Congrats on working on your mental health/self care. It's important.

    1. Happt IWSG day! I just finished reading your story in the anthology Dark and was impressed. Fabulous story.

  19. Hi David,

    Congrats on pushing ahead with your writing! It's tough to keep moving ahead, but you can do it and YOU ARE...

    Enjoy your new iPad... I know you will.... Enjoy Fall~

  20. Glad you got 10k out, that's definite progress:) Keep up the good work!
