Thursday, April 23, 2015

The WOVEN A to Z Challenge: T is for Thimble!

I dedicate this A to Z Challenge to Tina Downey, one of the A to Z Challenge founders and one of the brightest bloggers who sadly left us last year. Harder still, she was in a secret support group that I'm part of. The best way I can honor Tina, who was excited about and never had the opportunity to read my debut, I've teamed up with Father Dragon to present short bios and character portraits from Woven. I'll write the bios and all art is created by Al Diaz. I hope you enjoy this visual tribute to our friend, Tina.

Update: Al's done an amazing job, guys. Due to gallbladder surgery (you realize how big a dragon's gallbladder is?), Al has called on his dwarfs to help with some of the remaining days of the challenge.

I believe Tassin is responsible for this one? Not bad for a dwarf!

*     *     * 

T is for Thimble

Thimbles serve as a protective element, one that traditionally prevents fingers from getting pricked by a needle. But as a tool in a fabricator's sewing kit, they are used to protect against physical harm and some forms of magic, so long as they stay in the holder's possession. Keeping a thimble in your pocket, or on a chain around your neck, will keep you safe. Rely on it too much and its magic will wear thin.
Tomorrow: U is for Ulrich

To learn more about Woven, please visit

I'm David, and "keep that kit with you ... especially that thimble."


  1. Wow, Al really outdid himself with the details on that thimble!

  2. Ug. Gallbladder surgery. Been there, done that, and it wasn't fun. I hope he feels better soon.

  3. I have a thimble that was my great-grandmother''s magical in it's own way :)
    Katie @TheCyborgMom

  4. I love thimbles! I used to collect them. When I was a kid, I thought they were magical. :) I love the details on this one. So beautiful!

    I had my gallbladder removed years ago. Hope he feels better soon!

  5. Such a tiny utilitarian thing, thimble, but it does symbolize so much--both in real life and in your story.

  6. Thimbles are very useful, especially when all you know how to do is a bit of hand sewing.

    Hope Mr.Dragon is recovering quickly and easily.

  7. Hi David - love the thimble symbol .. and from your description it does show what is possible ... and don't over use - sounds good advice .. and I love Father Dragon's drawing .. cheers Hilary

  8. That's an intricate thimble. Beautiful detail.

  9. Wow. That is an amazing drawing. Love the detail.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  10. A very beautiful thimble. They are useful when sewing. I didn't know they carried luck, as well.

  11. That's a gorgeous thimble. I have my grandmother's thimble collection (she was a professional seamstress), and it is one of my greatest treasures. Maybe that's why I'm so darn lucky!

  12. Al is an amazing artist. What detail. So glad all of the drawings are making it here! Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

  13. Having that big a gallbladder makes it easier to spot, right?

    What a cool use for a thimble. I absolutely love the design.

  14. The detail on that thimble is beautiful, it certainly looks like a magical thimble. :)

  15. That's a great thimble. Mine is much more utilitarian. I want one of those!

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

  16. Never realised Tassin was so talented. I would love a thimble like that. Particularly if it was a magical one.

  17. Great drawing of the thimble and that it is more than just something for sewing

  18. I think I read about it in Lord of the Rings :) Beautifully drawing.
