Wednesday, May 14, 2014

If I Had Seen This Funny Glove and Boots Video When I Was Nine, I Would Have Aced 3rd Grade English!

So I made a cool youtube discovery recently called Glove and Boots. It's been around for a couple of years, but it's been under my radar until now. It's a video blog, informative and funny (they slid down a mountain in a porta potty). Their bit on The Hero's Journey is a hoot as well. But first, check out this grammar refresher to get started.

Hope you enjoyed. Have a literally fantastic Wednesday, everyone!

I'm David, and seriously, go check out they're there their channel.


  1. I've not watched that video before - they are funny.

  2. I love these guys!! Their video on being a tourist in New York is my absolute favorite - but I haven't seen the Hero's Journey one. Going to watch it now!

  3. Oh so funny-- have a few teachers I will be passing this along to. Thanks!

  4. These guys made me laugh. I will keep an eye on them.

    1. And what do you know, I have just been taught writing craft by muppets, and only then I got it.

  5. Yes! Please learn grammar if you want your comment to be taken seriously. Good video making the point!

  6. Love your "confusion" between they're, there, and their!

  7. Ha, that's hilarious. Why can't they have things like this in school?

  8. HA! Fantastic. I'm seriously subscribing to this and showing the teachers at school. You find the best stuff!

  9. haha that was amusing I am glad I stopped over to read.

  10. Except last fall in several dictionaries, the definition of literally changed to also include meaning figuratively. I still don't use the word literally in that way, but I think it's kind of cool how our language is always changing.

  11. Anytime grammar lessons can be done in a fun way, it's a huge win!

  12. As a grammar nut this one was right up my alley. Loved it. Now I want to watch the rest of their stuff. (Their... meaning it belongs to them. Not there, a place. Or they're... because "watch the rest of they are stuff" is just stupid.) :D

  13. Strunk and White say never to use "literally" in fiction, but that was over sixty years ago. Times, they are a changin'!

  14. Yeah, I saw that grammar one a while back. I didn't realize they had others.

  15. TOO CUTE! Kids will LOVE this... Heck... adults will love this! LOL

    Have a great weekend David.

  16. The Internet really does need this, complete with THE Princess Bride quote. I think everyone could literally ace English if they watched this.
