Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Altered Perceptions Victory Dance, HabitRPG: Gamify Your Life, and What's The Matter With Light?

Guess what, guys! The Altered Perceptions Anthology has surpassed its funding goal! I'd like to thank all those who donated to the cause and thank those who commented on the Donate My Money post.

In other news, have you heard of the new app that can turn your life into a video game? It's called HabitRPG. It's basically a way of keeping track of your daily tasks, duties and goals that will reward or penalize you, depending on how you live your life. This takes the concept of "leveling up" and "unlocking achievements" to a whole new level!

Also in the news, a group of researchers have claimed that we will be able to create matter from light in the next year. Could this be the first step in making light sabers possible? I'm curious to see if this happens. We've already split the atom. It's time we made some!

Update: progress on Woven 2 is coming along nicely with 15K words clocked in. Michael and I have also had our first look at the mock up cover for Woven. Wow! I mean, WOW! The design team absolutely nailed it. I can't wait to see the final version and reveal it to you.

Now that school's out, I must modify my blogging routine. Expect new posts on Wednesdays for the next three months. That will give me the time I need to dive deeper into this new WIP, make myself more available to my family, and start a much-needed exercise plan. I'll keep you posted on cool new developments as I get them.

Have an enjoyable week, my friends. And thanks for clicking in!

Who else is doing a happy dance for Robison? Is HabitRPG something you'd try? Can we really make matter from light?

I'm David, and "we must confront the reality of interstellar travel ..."


  1. That's awesome it surpassed its funding goal.
    Eager to see your new cover when it's ready.
    I'm Mondays only while I complete my next manuscript. Been writing at NaNo pace lately.

  2. I could probably use that HabitRPG thing to get me actually doing stuff.

    First 3D printers and now matter out of light? It's like we're making magic real.

  3. Matter from light? That's almost scary. :)

  4. It's about time we created matter from light. I was wondering if it would happen in my lifetime. Now please get me a Star Trek replicator so I can say "Tea, Earl Grey, hot."

  5. Glad your writing is progressing. And I think we're all slowing down with blogging this summer. Looking forward to it.

  6. Very happy that the funding goal was surpassed. I'm also looking forward to see that new cover. And I'm glad we'll be hearing about your progress often. :)

  7. I don't think I'd ever want something that keeps track of my day. I don't want to know how much time I waste. But light sabers? Bring it on.

  8. Ooh, can't wait to see the cover :) And that app - hmm, not sure if I'd use it, but hey, sounds kinda cool!

    P.S. Did you know that if I'm on my phone I can only comment on your blog about 1/4 of the time? I'm not sure what the deal is, or if it's your blog or everyone's blog but thought I'd put that out there to see if you've come across this problem before?

  9. Super happy dance for Robison, and I can't wait to see your cover!

  10. Matter from light?? That's intriguing. And congrats! Hopefully we shall see the limelight with book in hand!!

  11. Dive Dave Dive! Have fun writing and to light sabers!

  12. HabitRPG sounds interesting, thanks for the head's up!

  13. Congrats on your word count. I decided to not blog in the mornings and work instead on my novel. Today was Day One. So far, so good. It feels good managing my time in a more productive way. Who needs an app??? Ha!

  14. As we all know, the only reason for living is to level up and gain achievements.

    Can't wait to see the cover!

  15. So happy for Rob! And look how much higher that total's gone even after funding.

    Will you let us know when you reveal your Woven cover so we can help spread the word?

    That trailer is trippy.

  16. I definitely need to go read that article on making matter from light. Perhaps it's something I can use in my Shiny New Idea WIP.

    When you first see your book in galley form, it's amazing isn't it? Working from a Word Document is one thing, but once it starts to look like a real book -- wow! Congratulations!

  17. Sign me up for a lightsaber......

  18. Congrats on reaching 15K! Good luck clocking in even more words than that this summer! :)

  19. Congrats David...

    Life is really exciting for you right now... ENJOY IT MY FRIEND!!!!

  20. So awesome, sounds like you're trucking along!

  21. Matter out of light could be real-life light bridges as well! Interesting game concept -- I saw a movie that had achievements the characters unlocked, but now I can't even remember what movie it was.

  22. Great to hear the updates on Woven! I saw some cool article about light this week too - something about a research team being able to freeze it for extended periods of time. V. cool! Sign me up for a lightsaber. :)

  23. You are one busy bee! Looking forward to seeing the cover for Woven.

    And congrats on the exercise program. I'm a terrible swimmer, as I tend to sink. Maybe I should try doing it outside too, but I doubt that will help!
