Monday, October 21, 2013

New Release: Allegiant, New Members, and Updates!

Are you excited? I'm excited. Why am I excited? Because the finale of the most excellent Divergent series is releasing this week! If you're not familiar with this dysopian series, well, better late than never!

Enjoyed your series, Veronica! Too bad good things have to end ...

The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered—fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she’s known, Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence, she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories.

But Tris’s new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend the complexities of human nature—and of herself—while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice, and love.

(From Goodreads)

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It's occurred to me that I haven't given a Shout-Out in a while, so do me a favor and welcome these latest members of the Cosmic Crew! Thank you for joining, and I hope you enjoy this cosmic cruise:

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Update: aside from clocking in more pages and editing a whole lot of Undead chapters (and taking a short Season 4 Walking Dead break to refuel my zombie tank), I've been touching up my novelette for our charity-driven The Spirit of Christmas anthology, available November 1st! I like that my contribution, Brother Christmas, has a paranormal angle to it, but I'm sure you'll enjoy the collection as a whole. One last read and it's full steam ahead until these zombies are put to bed. Why the rush? Woven's sequel is just "stitching" to get started! ;)

Halloween is just around the corner, my friends; hope you've got treats ready because I'd hate to see you get tricked, and I have a few tricks of my own ready. Have a more-than excellent week!

Who's excited about Allegiant? What have you watched/read lately? What're you dressing up as? ... Who smashed my pumpkin!?

I'm David, and who'da thought that Frankenstein could fight?


  1. Not a series I'd read. (Especially when I have hundreds of books waiting on my iPad.) November 1 is the official release day? Will shout it out for you guys.
    No dressing up - haven't in years. Ironically the last time I did I was a zombie...

  2. Great post on this wet and windy Monday, thanks for the shout, made my day.

  3. Still haven't gotten to Insurgent. Better get crackin'.

  4. Yeah, I haven't read Insurgent yet either. I think my TBR pile just got a little longer. . .

    And thanks so much for the shout-out! I feel very flattered. :)

  5. I read DIVERGENT but I tend not to read trilogies 'cuz there are way too many YA books on my to-read list (and I'm rarely invested enough to read the sequels). Thanks for the shoutout! Nice to visit your blog too.

    I've been eyeball-deep watching FRINGE on Netflix (awesome show) and just finished reading EVERY DAY by David Leviathan, about a guy who wakes up each day in someone else's body. Fascinating premise! and a very thought-provoking read.

  6. Thanks for the shout-out, David. I truly appreciate it! Also, I pre-ordered Allegiant a while back and can't wait to get it into my hands and start reading!

  7. I can't wait to read Allegiant! I just finished Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson, and that one was amazing. Of course, Sanderson always is. :)

  8. I'll wait for the movie on Veronica's series. I hadn't heard of that "I Frankenstein" show though. Thanks for sharing.

  9. That I, Frankenstein is really making the rounds.

    I'm not a big fan of dystopian, at least not when it comes to books.

  10. I'm very excited about Frankenstein. I've read the first two books in that series and will read this last one. My daughter will make me. I have liked them better than many YA books.
    Will give you shout out on the 1st.

  11. Can't wait for Allegant to download to my Kindle in two days! And I'm so excited for our anthology to come out!

  12. I haven't read this series yet, but I have heard much gushings about it. I'll get to it - before I die. Unless I die zombies read? Hmm...

    Also, nice that you and Rosalyn have "met" online. She is one of my CP's. I'll have to introduce you to each other at Storymakers, where she will be teaching an amazing class :)

  13. I've already got Alligiant on reserve at the library though a number of people beat me to it, so I'll have to wait a bit.

  14. Allegiant eagely awaited in our house!

  15. I can't wait to read Allegiant! Squee!!

  16. I've read both Divergent and Insurgent. Very excited about this book release!!!

  17. I need to read the first some time soon. I have my candy. I hope we get kids this year. I don't want to have to eat it.

  18. I just started Insurgent yesterday. I really liked the beginning of the first book but hated the end so I'm still unsure whether or not I'm going to like this book. I can see she tried to fix some of the problems in the ending of the first book but that makes me even more aware of the author, not the story. All in all I'm undecided on the series.

  19. Holy cow I just realized that you're super close to 1000 followers O_O

    I haven't read the series yet. I'm debating if I should wait for the movie or not.

  20. Love this series! Just read the first two books this past week, and I can't wait to read allegiant this week. I'm so excited!!

  21. I can't wait to get my hands on Alegiant. Plus the Divergent movie. Whee!

    It was Billy Corgan who smashed your pumpkins.

  22. Ooo, I'm excited to see this take on Frankenstein. That's the first I've seen the trailer. And, yes, definitely looking forward to Allegiant! I think gargoyles smashed your pumpkins.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  23. Oh I have heard of the Divergent series. It was around the same time I was reading the Hunger Games that someone mentioned it to me. I will have to put it on my to-read list.

    I love puns :)

    Halloween isn't really celebrated all that widely in Australia, but Happy Halloween to you and everyone else celebrating it :) Get freaky.

  24. I'm woefully behind on the Divergent series, but am looking forward to re-reading the first book and going on to the rest now that they're all out. At least this way I won't have to wait!

  25. I read DIVERGENT, and although it wasn't for me, it's apparent from all of the posts I've read about this new release that the series is majorly popular! Very cool!

  26. It's quite a popular series, one I hope to begin soon *ducking from the tossed tomatoes* lol!!

    And I, Frankenstein. Hmmm...I couldn't help thinking he was doing quite a wonderful job kicking winged tail in that trailer.

  27. Can't wait to read it! I hope you're doing well, David!

  28. I'm rewatching Walking Dead II on Netflix, so I can savour Season III even longer.

    I never thought I would love Zombies, but they really are sweet and kind... as long as one has a brain-destroying weapon close to hand :)

    Have a great week, Oh wise DPK :)
