Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sacrifice Her: Cover Reveal, The Spirit Of Christmas: Pick Your Favorite Cover, and inkPageant Is Back!

This may look like a Monday post, but that's because there's so much great stuff happening this week! And today, I'm pleased to announce the cover reveal for Sheena-kay Graham's Sacrifice Her. Sweet!

Deidra Moore goes on the run after escaping from a group of human sacrifices for Bane: God of War. She doesn't believe he exists and she sees uncertainty in the scorching desert as a better alternative. But Faux City isn't finished with her. Their leader, Lord Brinn, has ordered Bane - through one of his maiden worshipers - to bring Deidra back or face dire consequences.

Lost in the desert, Deidra meets a wanderer named Kane, and as feelings spark, can they find a safe place to lead a new life before Lord Brinn and his soldiers catch up with them? Yet the question remains: does Bane really exist? And if he does, what will happen if either side succeeds or fails?

 Save the date, crew! Sacrifice Her is coming - December 2013!

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Did you guys know that I participated in an anthology recently?

Yep, the rumors are true! J.A. Bennett invited me to spread some Christmas cheer this year by joining forces with her and the amazing Kelley Lynn, Jessica Salyer, and Becca Ann, and we're calling it The Spirit of Christmas: An Anthology (for a charitable cause). However, we cooked up a few covers and can't decide which one we like best:

 #1                        #2                          #3

If you'd please, would you chose your favorite and "like" it here.

Or, if you don't Facebook, comment your pick and I'll do the rest. Thank you so much, guys! There'll be more details coming soon.

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After a very long break, I'm glad to say I'm back on inkPageant!

For those of you new to The Laire, inkPageant is a host site for posts about writing, book and movie reviews, publishing news, writing conferences, and so much more! If you have a special topic to share, or maybe a fantastic post you found that you'd like to share, enter it into our site and anyone who wants to find that topic will be able to do so in our massive database. We do cool giveaways, too!

I look forward to reading your posts. Come join the parade!

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That's all I've got, but be sure to come back Friday for an overview of something totally awesome that I discovered the other day, which may change the face of PC and indie gaming forever. See you then!

Doesn't Sheena's book sound awesome? Which Christmas cover is your favorite? Care to sign up for inkPageant? Want a cruller?

I'm David, and "this is the future of American justice ..."


  1. Congratulations, Sheena-kay!
    I like the image in the second one, but it's easier to read the first. (And if the 'like' is on Facebook, sorry, I'm not on it.) Congratulations to all of you.

  2. I'm so excited for Sheena-Kay - I've got her cover on my blog today, too.

    #2 is my favorite anthology cover.

    P.S. Did you get my email last weekend about the Stockade Brigade?

  3. Love Sheena-kay's cover. The more I look at those covers, I like #1 best. I used to think it was #3 but I've changed my mind.

    "the illusion of free will" Yikes

  4. Yay Sheena. And I voted on FB the other day. Can't wait to see which one wins.

  5. That is wonderful about the book. I will go vote now.

    I'd seen Ink Pageant before but haven't joined.

  6. Thanks for hipping me to InkPageant...I'm totally going to try it out:)

  7. Glad to see the cover getting around it looks great. Inkpageant looks cool. I went and voted on the cover. Can't wait to see the news on Friday.

  8. #2 is my fave and #3 is my second. Voted and while mine is the underdog I can't wait to read this anthology. Thanks for sharing my cover David and the new Robocop trailer is off the chain! I thought nothing could beat my looking forward for the Divergent movie in 2014. But come on...this is Robocop in 2014! The improvements alone are making me go wild.

  9. Those books covers are all really nice. I like that Robocop trailer.

  10. Congrats to Sheena-kay!!

    (and Robocop looks mighty fine too)

  11. yay for sheena!
    i like cover #3 w/ #1 second. looking forward to the xmas stories!
    and cool new robocop!

  12. I voted on number two...officially on facebook ;)

    I'll take a cruller...if you're talking donuts.

  13. I don't have face book but I definitely would like to vote for Cover #1.

  14. Yes please on the cruller! And I'm liking #3 personally--reminds me more of the holidays.
