Without further ado, here's what's been on my mind lately ...
* * *
It's no secret that I've had a few things to be insecure about last month: my former publisher dropped - at the last minute - a novel that I co-wrote, the press and publicity that followed, my wife has entered the third trimester, the wind knocked our fence over ...
It's a miracle that I still have hair!
It took every last ounce of will not to bury myself under a mountain of (self-emptied) Ben & Jerry's cartons. Yes, I had one or two, but I think what pained me most was seeing the way my children reacted to this situation; they knew something was up with Daddy, but, bless their innocence, they had no inkling of the weight that the universe had decided to place on my shoulders. Then came the question that we ask when burdens are unbearable: why's this happening to me?
The events surrounding the novel drop was not planned or wanted. I intended to work hard on writing more and promoting Woven as best as I could, just as I've seen many writers who've become bestsellers. Now I'm part of a unique position that I've never thought possible, and I wonder if I'm truly prepared for this. The short answer: of course I'm not prepared for this - all I can do is ride the wave and hope that I end up on shore. It's totally out of my hands now.
This situation has also taken its toll on my time to write and interact with others over social media, as much as I would like. I know that when the waters calm down (the storm appears to be settling), I will resume my usual routine. You deserve it, for it is your help and support that made surfacing from the Swamps of Sadness real.
It wasn't easy, but I managed to bottle up the news of this downhill for a long time and kept business out of my home, much to the relief of my wive and the chill'ns - but they were still there for me, too.
Instead of asking why, I'm saying thank you. Thank you, Universe, for allowing me the chance to experience the unprecedented and to find my way through this learning experience. I haven't got a clue what's going to happen next, but who does? There are no spoilers in this life, and I bet it's intended to be that way. Each day is a gift, and you'll never know if it's a new MAC desktop or a pair of socks until you open it. Speaking of which, I could do with both of those ...
Words cannot express my appreciation to the writing community for your help, your posts, and your ongoing support. It means the universe to me, and your participation will never be forgotten.
And so, from a very humbled Cosmic Knight, I thank you all!
To see all Insecure Writers Support Group members, click here.
I'm David, and when the universe throws a curve, hit a homer!
It wasn't easy, but I managed to bottle up the news of this downhill for a long time and kept business out of my home, much to the relief of my wive and the chill'ns - but they were still there for me, too.
Instead of asking why, I'm saying thank you. Thank you, Universe, for allowing me the chance to experience the unprecedented and to find my way through this learning experience. I haven't got a clue what's going to happen next, but who does? There are no spoilers in this life, and I bet it's intended to be that way. Each day is a gift, and you'll never know if it's a new MAC desktop or a pair of socks until you open it. Speaking of which, I could do with both of those ...
Words cannot express my appreciation to the writing community for your help, your posts, and your ongoing support. It means the universe to me, and your participation will never be forgotten.
And so, from a very humbled Cosmic Knight, I thank you all!
To see all Insecure Writers Support Group members, click here.
I'm David, and when the universe throws a curve, hit a homer!
We're never prepared and sometimes it's best if we don't have a clue, either. Would we really begin this journey if we knew what was going to happen? Most would say no. I can look at my own journey and know I never expected any of it.
ReplyDeleteBut that journey has been the greatest blessing in my life.
Yours will be as well!
Fantastic attitude that's quite necessary to keep maintain your sanity and ability to smile.
ReplyDeleteWhen is your wife due?
I'm due with our second child on Thanksgiving!
If you ever want someone to eat ice cream with to drown some stress, I'm totally your man. I can eat ice cream anytime.
ReplyDeleteYou keep hitting those home runs David!
ReplyDeleteLoved this Dave-- exactly what I was getting at in my post today too. Life is a ride, but it's one I don't believe we're on alone. I believe it's a guided trip, so to speak. When (oh when) I remember this, I let go of the fear and concerns and worries and anxieties. After all, what I consider set backs are intentional bumpers designed to keep me on the path I'm supposed to be on. Great opportunities? Open doors that continue to guide and reward me. I believe, truly, something great.. GREAT is in store for you. Can't wait to be the first to do an air fist pump and feel smug about how right I was! ;)
ReplyDeleteYour world was shaken from the foundation but you will be a stronger person for the experience.
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine the frustration you've experienced, DPK. All I can do is draw off of where I'm at and know how I feel and then *try* and put myself in your shoes. To be so close to the dream... and then BAM... all this. It's devastating. But you've got the right attitude. You really do. And I think you know deep down--like I do--that everything that has happened is going to lead to better things. I honestly have no doubt in that. The events that have taken place are going to spur you onto a new path--and one that will bring you better success and fortune for your career. :)
ReplyDeleteLovely post, David. I'm glad you feel something good has come from this.
ReplyDelete"There are no spoilers in this life"
Dang. That's brilliantly said. But, you're a King, so that's to be expected. :D
You've got a great, positive attitude there. I was sorry to hear of your publishing "snag", and wish you the best in untangling it. Now pass me some of that Ben & Jerry's and let's pick out our new macs so people will know what to send us!
ReplyDeleteTina @ Life is Good
You are doing fabulous amidst the chaos and will end up much much stronger in the end. Things will work out the best for you and your book, I just know it. Way to stay in the game!
ReplyDeleteA very wise man once told me, when bad things happen, don't ask why. Ask, what can I learn from this?
ReplyDeleteHe was totally right, and while I've been agonizing with you over this change in plans, I'm glad you still have hair, and I'm looking forward to watching your home run.
What a wonderful attitude to take on. See? You are already stronger. The writing community truly is amazing and its better for having you be a part of it. Your positivity is inspiring and deserves a high five ;)
ReplyDeleteIt is for sure a journey we are all on. The ups and downs are all part of it. It is good you have your family around you and remember your writing family is here waiting to support you as well.
ReplyDeleteYou have handled a difficult and stressful situation with dignity, I'm sure your family is very proud of you. All the best for a smoother ride.
ReplyDeleteThings do happen for a reason - I'm sure that reason will become clear soon. Wishing you all the best!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear that things are moving forward with your book and that you (and your family) are surviving everything that's gone on.
ReplyDeleteWould that be a Homer Simpson?
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm resorting to comedy.
It's great that you're being thankful and pushing aside feeling down in the dumps.
ReplyDeleteYou certainly hit a homer with the class you demonstrated. And that dang evil wind.
ReplyDeleteI'll share with you something to think about. Something I read in a very good book not long ago. Instead of asking "why me?" ask yourself "what now?". "Why me" will not take you anywhere. "What now?" gets you in the mode to start working to make things better, to the extent of your ability. Much better. I've tried it. It works. :)
ReplyDeleteJust get up, shake yourself off and start back at it again. Good luck! Recovery is what's important.
ReplyDeleteI've heard that when bones break they heal even stronger than the bone was prior to the breaking. I think it is like that for life, too. All of the hard things shape us into who we are meant to become. You have a great attitude. I know that you will weather this storm.
ReplyDeleteJust remember what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You and Michael Jensen both showed great integrity, and class through the whole thing, and I'm sure the universe will reward you with all the Macs and socks you will ever want.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are pressing forward, David. Keep on going and keep on hitting home runs. :D
ReplyDeleteLove the thanking the universe comment. So true. :)
ReplyDeleteIt is all just a learning experience; but may have larger ramifications with your publishing career. Some things happen for the best, even if they do not seem so at the time. I'll keep positive thought for you that this is one of those "Unanswered Prayers" moments (Garth Brooks). I am still sad that the novel deal fell through.
ReplyDeleteYour talent and skill will carry you through this. Your family and friends are with you David; onward to whatever end.
Hi David .. sometimes things just happen - and the reason becomes clearer later on - I'm sure it's for the best .. though right now with life happening around you - big fall outs weren't on the cards. So pleased you're getting through ... and you will! Cheers Hilary
ReplyDeleteIt's your talent, determination and positive attitude that will get you through this. And I think being a parent sometimes helps give us that extra push to move on and move forward. I'm positive you'll get your book published and it'll be where it should be. Then you'll look back on your life one day and say, 'what a ride!'
ReplyDeleteDPK (IN DA HOUSE!!!)
ReplyDeleteDude, did you have to go there with the "I still have hair" comment.
Really? My follicles have feelings, too... just wanted you to know that...
Seriously though, the way you and Michael have handled what *HAS* to have been the strangest/scariest/unknown-iest feeling is a lesson to the rest of us.
You two handled yourselves with professionalism and aplomb and I *know* this will stand you well as you move forward.
As always, wishing you the very best (including the hairline:)
You've handled this situation so well, and I'm so glad it seems to be calming down now. Everything happens for a reason :)
ReplyDeleteI'm majorly impressed at how you're handling all of this. It's definitely the craziest situation I've ever heard of. I have no doubt it'll work out for the best, somehow, and Woven is going to be awesome! Best wishes!
ReplyDeleteWay to turn things around on the Universe! ;) I love your line about riding the wave and hoping you end up on shore. It's all about faith, and it sounds like you've got a wonderful perspective on it all.
ReplyDelete"when the universe throws a curve, hit a homer!"
ReplyDeleteThis might have just become my motto for life. And I tell people Ben and Jerry's are the best therapist and often boyfriends. Never apologize for your relationship with them :)
You have the best attitude! I have no doubt that life has great things in store for you, babies, books, baseball, and all!
ReplyDeleteLoving this post. I, too, know all about some of the crazy things that can happen to us. I even posted about 1 very , very bad week. But guess what? We do survive. Just keep going forward and never, ever look back.
ReplyDeleteSo true. Things happen for a reason, even if only to teach you and make you stronger.
ReplyDeleteLife always does dump it all on at the same time. It's so hard to hang on, and not eat too much ice cream, but eventually it will work itself out. Except the ice cream, that once you reach a certain age, is there to stay.
ReplyDeleteI'd imagine it's got to be really tough to have a publisher pull out at the last minute, especially if you're expecting a kid, so need the money. You seem to have a good attitude about it all though.
ReplyDeleteIf things got that far, I'd imagine it was an economic decision to drop you - they wouldn't put in all the prep work if they didn't think your writing was good.
Keep the positive attitude, and things should work out!
Thank you, Universe, for allowing me the chance to experience the unprecedented and to find my way through this learning experience.
ReplyDeletewell said David.
I've just gotten through a rather rough week myself, but nothing like what you went through. I can certainly see why you're an Insecure writer this month. Hope things resolve themselves for you soon.