Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday Scores: Once Upon A Time...Storybook Love

This week, we have a special score, from a film that has, in one way or another, rose above it's poor release in theaters and is considered a pinnacle in fantasy romance. Since I was raised by a few sisters, you can guess how many times I saw this as a kid. At the same time, it had so much cool guy stuff that I didn't mind the "kissing" parts.

Once Upon A Time...Storybook Love: by Mark Knopfler
From the film: The Princess Bride

She's not a blogger, but I can't see myself tagging this score on anyone else but my wife. If there is any score that matches her personality and sheer awesomeness, it's this one. She is, truly, a walking storybook, and I am amazed to be a part of her story.

*clears throat*

Okay, guys. I'm off to LTUE! If you're coming, I'll see you there. Just don't eat too much chocolate today ... Save some for me, okay?

I'm David, and I knew I should have pre-ordered those flowers!


  1. The Princess Bride - perfect choice for today!

  2. So true,

    Great choice. I've seen it a few times and did enjoy it.

  3. Mark Knopfler-- always a good choice. Love your sentiments about your wife-- exactly how it should be.

  4. I LOVE that song. Have fun at LTUE.

  5. *Jealous* I'm sick and missing the first day. *crosses fingers for tomorrow*

  6. Always pre-order. That should be a mantra.

  7. Hi David,

    Just want to let you know that you were voted Best Reviewer on my blog.

    Congrats! Please drop by to see how to claim your prize.

  8. I love that movie, and that music is an awesome way to start my day. Thanks David!

  9. Great score and a great movie! One of my favorites. I haven't read the book though. Baby steps :D

  10. Enjoy yourself and don't eat too much chocolate either. :)

  11. I have that song on my ipod. What a great voice and romantic lyrics.

  12. It's a good movie! And hey, Drew Barrymore.

  13. It is a great movie and what a lovely compliment-I bet your wife loved it~ ;D

  14. I hope you and your wife had a great Valentine's Day!

    I remember watching The Princess Bride more than a few times when I was younger, and your song sounds comfortingly familiar.
