Thursday, May 10, 2012

Random Sauce: The Most Intense Film About Grammar You Will Ever See!


Sometimes we have to watch bad grammar in action before it really sinks in. Hopefully this will make all of us want to never use no bad grammar ever again ...

... And now I'm running for my life. See ya!

I'm David, and dangling participles = bloody mess!


  1. Some people take grammar way too seriously.

  2. holy crap, that was intense. LOL

  3. After watching that video, I'm trying to make sure my grammar is correct because I'm scared LOL!

  4. I still haven't seen Inglorious Basterds. I guess I need to change that. But your point sir, is well taken. Grammar is serious business. Those that don't see it this way aren't doing the world any favors.

  5. Funny post, David! I saw that movie twice, by the way, on a plane trip. And both times it was cut off by an announcement ten minutes before the ending. So I still don't know how it ended!

  6. Well, then...I'm off to edit my manuscript in a most careful manner.

  7. That was great! Yep, a bloody mess.

  8. Hilarious! I had to come back again and watch it because it was so perfect.

  9. Me watch that, again for sure. Would keep the kids away from the last few seconds as that was a bit brutal but I did laugh a lot, the only thing is not sure who its meant for, or if I learnt (learned? :) anything new.

    Just saying :)

  10. Now, that had an ending I did not expect! Ha ha! I felth boy like laughing and sitting on the edge of my seat at the same time!

  11. I've seen that video before, but I was still tense while watching it now!

  12. Hahaha. Totally wasn't expecting the end, but it reminds me of the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail when they are facing with the old man at the bridge. "What is the airspeed velocity of a laden swallow?" "African or European?" "I don't know. Ahhhhh!"

  13. Hilarious David! I love love love it. I can't wait to see you on Saturday. It's been too long.

  14. Haha, bloody mess, you weren't kidding.

  15. Even Grammar Nazis make mistakes. :o

  16. That was, without question, the best grammar video I've ever seen.
