Monday, May 7, 2012

Post: Technically Difficulties


I don't normally start off a post with guttural growling sounds, but I just did. I'll tell you why. I spent the last few hours preparing an awesome Part One of my LDStorymarkers 2012 experience and it vanished (curse my ineptitude and this new drafting layout). I spotted the mistake this morning, but I have a full day ahead of me - there's going to be a delay. But, hey - the conference was terrific! I'll tell you about it soon.

I'm David, and this is Shakespeare's Three Little Pigs ....


  1. Yes, yes, yes! I want to hear about the conference! (And grrrr... how frustrating!)

  2. David, I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me! And I need to know how the conference was so I'm just as frustrated!

  3. I can't wait to hear about the conference! And it's totally okay to let out a GRR once in a while :D

  4. Sorry! That's why I always compose in Word first.

  5. Augh! I really wanted to see it :)

  6. Bummer! I hope it resurfaces.

    It was very nice to meet you. :)

  7. Oh no! I'm so sorry :( I'll be waiting for when you repost it

  8. Never mind... try, try again :-)

  9. Hate it when that happens. And I LOVE Shakespeare's Three Little Pigs.

  10. Too bad that happened. But we can wait because we want to hear all about it.

  11. Grr, Blogger! Now I have to hold my jealousy for later. ;)

  12. Sorry to hear Blogger deleted your post!

  13. I have had issues and I can understand your frustration. Glad you had a good time.

  14. Every now and then a throaty guttaral noise expresses things well. And this new layout is taking some serious getting used to.

  15. Oh man, sympathy here. There's a lot of lost work floating around out there in the ether...maybe there's a story there somewhere. Someone invents a machine that collects all of that floating, unpublished work...

  16. *Sigh*.. only David can make a post out of a gutteral sound and get nearly 20 responses. I'll put my heart and soul into a blog post (ok maybe a tad melodramatic), and get 2 drive-bys.

    Woe is me.

    Btw.. loved the video.. that guy is hilarious. "It's American Made." :)
