Monday, November 28, 2011

Post: Holy Cow! I'm A Guest!

Hey, guys! I'm back! And I mean it this time!

What can be more fun than watching Home Alone? Possibly checking out this awesome mentoring post over at E. R. King's blog (no relation ... possibly)!

Not only is she one of my favorite writers and blogging buds, but she's radically awesome. So, yeah. Give her a visit. Read her posts. She's totally worth your time!

While you're at it, say hello to our newest members!

Update: I've got a busy day ahead of me, so I'll keep it short. Getting over being sick and the holidays and all, I wasn't able to do much more than revise some short stories and flash fiction. Some of which I haven't mentioned yet (but plan to post soon). Fun stuff!

Have a great day! Best of luck to those rushing to meet that 50K word Nano deadline. And congratulations to those who already made it. You're writing beasts!

I'm David, and aftershave makes my face sting!


  1. And he's back! Glad you're getting over being sick - and I'm on my way to Emily's. :)

  2. Thanks again for the interview, David! It's been a blast having you!

  3. Welcome back, DPK. You've really made it when you guest on someone else's blog. Great interview. I'd love to read some of your stuff!

  4. Dang! I wanted to interview you first. I'll have to head over there.

  5. Yeah for hanging out at Emily's! I'll have to check it out when I get a minute :)

  6. I am on my way. Yeah, that aftershave stings like a B!

  7. On my way. I love how you sign off on your posts, LOL!

  8. Welcome back! Great interview too.

  9. Welcome back! I liked your interview - fun times! ;)

  10. When I was little I thought Home Alone was a seriously awesome movie!

  11. Hi David, glad you are getting better. Great shout out for E R King
