Monday, November 21, 2011

Post: Gooberiffically Out Of Commission


In case you're wondering why I haven't posted this week, I have a really good excuse. No kidding. It's a real doozy! Ready to have your mind blown?

I've been sick.

Okay. It's not all that earth shattering, but believe me when I tell you this bug knocked me off my feet for a whole week and I'm still not 50% over it. I'll spare you the details. It's not pretty. We're talking horror quality fodder here. Gross. You don't want to know. But if you must, I hope you haven't had any dairy today.

With a holiday weekend approaching, I'll likely be gone for another week. While I recover in quarantine, check out this awesome trailer I found (it's not The Hunger Games trailer ... that one's been shared to the death).

Have a fantastic week, you guys! And keep up your writing month progress. I want to hear all about it.

I'm David, and I can't play in the snow today.


  1. I hope you're back to 100% before you take on your turkey, David. One must be in top condition to face off with the bird. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Feel better! I was sick last week. That nasty little bug is going around, so I feel your pain.

  3. Aloha Dave,

    "It" sounds bad, so I hope you're feeling better by Thursday and can enjoy the day.

    Happy Thanksgiving... and the snow will still be there when you're back on your feet :)

    Regards, and aloha!

  4. Feel better David ... I was lucky with just a mild cold...

    Get rest and have a great Thanksgiving... YOU need to well enough to enjoy the holiday!

  5. I hope you're feeling better soon, David. That's the worst! Maybe you'll be back to normal by Thanksgiving and can enjoy some food. You might be starving by then...:)

    Take care,

  6. Get better soon (your sickness sounds like when I had the flu a couple of years ago. Not fun!) At least you were able to get to the computer today!

  7. Ugg, David, that's the worst. Get better.
    Red Tails looks good though :) Glad you're not too sick to meander the internet in search of good trailers.

  8. You are off the hook David, I think everyone I know in Utah is getting that same bug! Feel better soon and Happy Thanksgiving.

  9. Argh, this is working it's way through my classes lately. Hope you get feeling better soon!

  10. I'm glad you spared us the details, but I'm sad to hear you're sick. I'm sick too and it's driving me crazy. I hate being sick! Although - I think that thus far, I have been better off than you. Enjoy the holiday week and I hope you recover soon. :)

  11. Wondered where you've been! No blogs, no comments. Must've been a bad bug.

  12. So sorry you're so sick! I hope you get to play in the snow soon.

  13. Hope you recover soon. It's almost turkey time. ;)

  14. Sorry you've been sick, David! Me too. :( It stinks. Hope you get feeling better soon.

  15. Hope you're feeling better in time for Thanksgiving:)

  16. Wish you better soon (and thanks for sparing us the gruesome details!). My whole family has been sick recently and I have managed to avoid it somehow - yay! My positive thinking is actually working!

  17. Got here late but wanted to say hope you're feeling better and Happy Thanksgiving :-)
