A wild week just passed, wild enough that no heading can adequately sum it up. Out here in the Rockies, we experienced an unusual storm with lots of lightning, more that I've ever seen in this area, lasting up to three days. Some heavy clouds still linger, and I love it. Summertime shade is always appreciated. On top of that, I wrote more, celebrated my 5th year anniversary of being married to the perfect girl of my dreams, and spent a butt-load of money on car repairs that I really didn't want to spend money on. Such is life. You have to roll with the unexpected and expect the inevitable twists and turns that you ought to expect.
Update: Concerning our progress on chapter 11 - He likes it! Mike read the new chapter 11 and thoroughly enjoyed it, to my surprise. My wife also enjoyed it, even though I kept editing through the reading. We found a few kinks in the hose, but nothing that requires a major rewrite. This is great news. This means I can focus on chapter 12 without having to look back at the past. With any luck, chapter 12 will be a done dealt before next Monday, but as always, that goal is subject to change. Daddy/Mommy/Son time is more important.
No exciting news this week. Just staying alive.
I'm David, and Optimus is watching me . . .
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