Monday, May 10, 2010

Post: Trains, Guns and Weenies, Oh My!

Now that the weather is warm enough to get out of the house, there's much to do and see. And there's quite a bit of Utah that I haven't seen yet. Northern Utah, anyway. But we took care of that by going to the old Ogden Union Station where they have a train museum, actual old locomotives you can crawl around on, and a gun museum, showcasing the products of John M. Browning. I had no idea that he invented the first automatic pistol, rifle, and shotgun, and that these were important firearms that were used by the U.S. Army in World Wars 1 and 2. You really can be surprised by old things when it's new to you, huh?
After that, we drove to Promontory Point, the location where the Trans-Continental Railroad met up. Not really much out there, but it was neat to see two steam locomotives--one coal burning and the other wood. Afterwords, a weenie roast at the home of my wife's aunt and uncle. Yummy. We had fun.

Update: Chapter 10 went by faster than I thought. All I have to do is read it once or twice and then have Mike read up on it. If all goes well, I'll start chapter 11 this week, which will contain mostly new material! Yay!
I am officially going to a Writer's Workshop hosted by Orsen Scott Card, but I was not eligible for the Boot Camp. That's okay. My entry was just barely on time so it serves me right for procrastinating.

My entry will be short because I have some work to do. Check back later this week for advice and good fun (I'll try and make it funny).

I'm David, and my shirt's too big.


  1. Have a good time at OSC's workshop-how soon is that?

  2. The last week of June. Thanks for that. I hope it will be an eventful (and not too nerve-racking experience). OSC is my hero, after all.
